%0 Journal Article %T Reducing fatigue of athletes following oral administration of huangqi jianzhong tang. %A CHEN Kung-Tung %A SU Chun-Hsien %A HSIN Li-Hua %A SU Yi-Chang %A SU Ya-Ping %A LIN Jaung-Geng %J Acta Pharmacologica Sinica %D 2016 %B 2016 %9 %! Reducing fatigue of athletes following oral administration of huangqi jianzhong tang. %K %X AIM: To study the effect of Huangqi Jianzhong Tang in reducing fatigue improvement in athletes. METHODS: Twelve athletes were randomly separated into a control group, whose members were administered with placebos, and the experimental group, whose members were administered with Huangqi Jianzhong Tang. During the eight weeks of the experiment, test subjects continued exercise as usual. Preliminary and final exhaustion times, anaerobic thresholds, and kinetic energies were determined. RESULTS: Huangqi Jianzhong Tang might increase exhaustion time, positively influence anaerobic threshold, and also enhance recovery from fatigue. CONCLUSION: Huangqi Jianzhong Tang reduced fatigue by increasing the oxygen uptake and the systemic utility of oxygen. %U http://www.chinaphar.com/article/view/7738 %V 23 %N 8 %P 757-761 %@ 1745-7254