Original Article

Effects of copper chloride on the slow response action potential and oscillatory afterpotential induced by ouabaini

She-Tuan Zhang, Xiao-Guang Li


The effects of copper chloride (CuCl2) on slow response action potentials were studied in vitro by means of an intracellular microelectrode. CuC12 10 vmol/L reduced the amplitude, the slope of phase 4 and shortened the duration of the action potential of the rabbit sinoatrial nodes. The effects of CuCl2 100 vmol/L on the slow response action potential of guinea pig papillary muscles in KCl-rich (25 mmol/L) solution were similar to those on rabbit sinoatrial nodes. CuCl2 100 vmol/L immediately abolished the spontaneous elecrical activity and inhibited the oscillatory afterpotential of guinea pig papillary muscles which had been induced by ouabain. The results indicate that Cu2+ may suppress the slow inward current of myocardial muscles.

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