Original Article

Central effects of anisodamine, atropine, anisodine and scopolamine after intraventricular injection

Jian-zhong Peng, Li-rong Jin, Xian-yu Chen, Zeng-xing Chen


Anisodine and anisodamine are new tropine alkaloids isolated from Scopolia tangutica. The chemical structure of anisodine is different from scopolamine by a hydroxy group on the tropine acid moiety. Anisodamine is different from atropine by a hydroxy group on the 6th position of tropine. In unanesthetized rabbits, intracere-broventricular(icv) injection of anisodin e-HBr 2.4mg/kg or' scopolamine-HBr 0.8 mg/kg produced a high synchronization and blocked the EEG arousal response. Rabbits became quiet. 5-10 min after icv anisodamine-HBr l-2 mg/kg or atropine sulfate 0.25-1mg/kg, cerebral electrical activity showed a low amplitude and a fast frequency, follovred by frequent spikes and seizure discharges. .The rabbits appeared excited with tachypnea, nystagmus and clonic convulsion. It suggests that aniso-dine and scopolamine are mainly CNS de-pressants; anisodamine and atropine are mainly stim ulants. Intravenous (iv) injections of 4 tro-pine alkaloids induced a high synchroni-zation and blocked the EEG arousal re-sponse in rabbits. Effects of anisodamine and atropine on EEG and the behavior of rabbits depended on the route of admini-stration. In mice icv of these tropine alkaloids produced similar behavioral effects as in rabbits. Physostigmine, pilocarpine, ani-sodine, mecamylamine, reserpine, chlorpro-mazine, 5-HTP, glycine, picrotoxin, caf-feine and pentobarbital did not affect CD60 0f anisodamine and atropine. But ip diazepam (5-20 mg/kg) significantly in-creased CD60. This suggests that central stimulation by anisodamine and atropine may be related to the mechanism modula-ting the GABA-ergic function.

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