Original Article

Kinetics of neuromuscular blocking effect of dimethyl l-curine dimethochloride

Sheng-kai Huang, Yue-e Wang, Xi-can Tang


Dimethyl l-curine dimetho-chloride (l-DCD) distribution and elimi-nation in rats exhibited marked three-com-partment characteristics. A pharmaco-kinetic analysis of the data describing the degrees and duration of the l-DCD-induced neuromuscular blockade in rats showed that the site of action of l-DCD was identified pharmacokinetically with the central compartment. The amounts of l-DCDin the central compartment of the body in rats upon 10, 50 and 90% recovery, respectively, from blocking effect after and l.Omg/kg were dose-independent. the neuromuscular iv 0.375, 0.5, 0.75) estimated and were The rate of decline of the pharmacolo-gic effect was dose-dependent, decreasing with increasing dose.

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