Original Article

Synergism of procoagulation effect of thrombin-like enzymes from Dienagkistrodon acutus and Agkistrodon halys snake venoms

Wen-Li Wei, Jia-Jun Sun, Jia-Shu Chen


AIM: To study the synergistic effect of thrombin-like enzymes (TLE) of Dienagkistrodon acutus (DA) and Agkistrodon halys (AH) venoms.
METHODS: TLE were isolated from venoms of DA and AH by successive column chromatography. Effects of combination of DATLE and AHTLE and related factors on the clotting time and clot quality were tested in vitro.
RESULTS: One coagulation unit was 2.7 micrograms for DATLE and 304.4 micrograms, for AHTLE with reference standard of thrombin (42.2 micrograms). TLE-induced clot was a fibrin monomer which was fragile and did not retract. Combination of AHTLE and DATLE shortened the clotting time and decreased the solubility of the clot in urea 5 mol.L-1. When subthreshold concentration of thrombin or physiological concentration of Ca2+ was added, the clotting time was further shortened, the clot was no longer soluble in urea and retracted well, and the resistance of the clot to plasmin degradation was increased.
CONCLUSION: A synergistic effect of DATLE and AHTLE accelerated hemocoagulation and improve clot quality.

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