Original Articles

Effects of Ro 31-8220 on smooth muscle cell proliferation induced by fibrinogen degradation products

Bin Zhou, Jun-Ping Zhang, Zhen-Lin Hu, Xue-Bin Tao, Ding-Hua Qian


AIM: To study the mitogenic activity of fibrin fibrinogen degradation products
(FFDP) and the effect of a new selectively potent protein kinase C (PKC)
inhibitor Ro 31-8220 (Ro).
METHODS: Rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) proliferation in culture was
measured by crystal violet staining assay.
RESULTS: FFDP stimulated the proliferation of SMC during the experimental period
of 72 h, Ro 0.01-1 mumol.L-1 inhibited FFDP-induced cell proliferation in a
concentration-dependent manner.
CONCLUSION: Ro exerted inhibitory effect on cell proliferation induced by FFDP.

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