Original Articles

Effect of 3,6-dimethamidodibenzopyriodonium citrate on Ca2+ in rabbit platelet in vitro

Bao-Xian Wei, Su-Fen Yuan, Pei-Lun Qiu, Zhong-Zhu Yin


AIM: To study the effect of 3,6-dimethamidodibenzopyriodonium citrate (I-65) on
the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) concentration in rabbit platelet.
METHODS: Measurement of the cytosolic Ca2+ of platelets in vitro by using Quin
2-AM fluorescence technique.
RESULTS: In the presence of CaCl2 1 mmol.L-1, I-65 (10, 20, and 30 mumol.L-1)
reduced the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by thrombin and calcimycin from 142 +/- 22
nmol.L-1 and 124 +/- 18 nmol.L-1 to 118 +/- 20, 78 +/- 12, 40 +/- 10 nmol.L-1,
respectively and 108 +/- 15, 77 +/- 14, 37 +/- 14 nmol.L-1, respectively. In the
presence of egtazic acid 2 mmol.L-1, I-65 (10, 20, and 30 mumol.L-1), reduced the
Ca2+ release induced by thrombin from 52 +/- 11 nmol.L-1 to 34 +/- 9, 19 +/- 6,
and 11 +/- 5 nmol.L-1, respectively. In addition, I-65 (10, 20, and 30 mumol.L-1)
also reduced the Ca2+ influx induced by thrombin from 91 +/- 13 nmol.L-1 to 84
+/- 15, 58 +/- 15, and 28 +/- 19 nmol.L-1, respectively.
CONCLUSION: I-65 inhibited not only the Ca2+ release, but also the influx of Ca2+
in activation platelet.

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