Original Article

Direct evidence for histamine H3 receptor-mediated inhibition of norepinephrine release from sympathetic terminals of guinea pig myocardium

Xiao-Xing Luo, Ai-Dong Wen, Zhi-An Guo, Yue-Hua Tan


AIM: To study the histamine H3 receptors mediated inhibition of norepinephrine (NE) release from cardiac sympathetic terminals of guinea pig isolated atria.
METHODS: Release of NE induced by electric field stimulation (50 mA, 5 ms) in the bath solution was measured by HPLC-ECD.
RESULTS: The release of NE caused by field stimulation was attenuated by (R)-alpha-methyl-histamine (alpha-MeHA, 0.1 nmol.L-1(-10) mumol.L-1) in a concentration-dependent manner. Thioperamide concentration-dependently antagonized the inhibition of alpha-MeHA. Blockade of H1, H2, alpha 2, beta 2-receptors failed to prevent the inhibitory effect of alpha-MeHA. Thioperamide (1 nmol.L-1(-10) mumol.L-1), when used alone, concentration-dependently facilitated the release of NE evoked by field stimulation.
CONCLUSION: The presynaptic histamine H3-receptors inhibited the NE release from cardiac sympathetic terminals.

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