Original Articles

Effects of kappa-selenocarrageenan on membrane fluidity and ghost reseal ability of rat erythrocyte

Duan Li, Qun Han, Xiang-yuan Yang, Da-mei Rong, Zheng-jie Lin


Effects of kappa-selenocarrageenan (kappa-SeC) on membrane fluidity and ghost reseal ability of rat erythrocyte were studied by measuring the fluorescence polarization and the NADH-cytochrome C oxido-reductase, respectively. After rats were given ig kappa-SeC 140 mg.kg-1.d-1 x 30 d, the fluorescence polarization was decreased in comparison with saline control group (P < 0.05). It suggested that kappa-SeC increased the membrane fluidity. The reseal ability of erythrocyte membrane (ghost) was also elevated after ig kappa-SeC 140 and 70 mg.kg-1.d-1 x 30 d (P < 0.05).

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