Original Articles

Scavenging effects of dimercaptosuccinic acid per os on nickel in mice and rats

Jian Xu, You-yi Liang, Jian-shi Zhang, Xue-ming Yan


In mice and rats given iv or im 63NiCl2 148-370 kBq, radioactivity was present in highest concentrations in kidney, lung, and liver. After given ig dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) 1 g.kg-1, radioactivity decreased remarkably in kidney, lung, and blood. The excretion of 63Ni via urine and feces within 24 h, respectively 13.0 +/- 2.4% and 0.6 +/- 0.4%, was similar to that in the control group in mice. But radioactivity increased markedly in bone. The Ni content of bone decreased on d 7. In rats given im 63NiCl2 370 kBq, two different nickel complex peaks appeared in the gel chromatograms of serum, kidney, and lung. DMSA reduced the contents of protein-bound Ni in serum, kidney, and lung. The results showed that DMSA detoxified the Ni by forming a low toxicity Ni-DMSA complex to redistribute in the body.

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