Original Articles

Effect of tiapride on electroacupuncture analgesia

Jia-le Dai, Shao-fen Xu


Tiapride icv 400 micrograms/rabbit exhibited analgesic and synergistic effects on electroacupuncture analgesia (EAA) in rabbits. Both electroacupuncture (EA) and tiapride (icv 400 micrograms/rabbit) enhanced the beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive substance (beta-EPIS) level in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). When EA and tiapride were used in combination, a further increase of beta-EPIS content was found. The results suggested that promotion of beta-EPIS release by tiapride may be one of the mechanisms of synergistic effect of tiapride on EAA.

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