Original Article

Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of [3H]ginsenoside Rg1

Yu-shu HUO, Shu-chen ZHANG, Dan ZHOU, Da-lin YAO, Geng-ye YOU, Hong-wei ZHANG, Shou-wu MA, Qi-zhong MO, Bin GONG, Ming-guang YI


The pharmacokinetics of [3H]-Rg1, one of the main saponins of ginseng (Panax ginseng C A Meyer), was investigated in mice. The pattern of decline of the plasma level of [3H]Rg1 exhibited a three-compartment open model.
The pharmacokinetic parameters after ig: C=5.14986 exp (-0.0218318t)-exp (-2.22136t), Tmax=2.1 h, Cmax=489057 dpm, AUC=151 (after 48 h).
The pharmacokinetic parameters after iv: C=27.3023 exp (-9.98604t)+9.3115 exp (-0.79510t)+6.2085 exp (-0.02827t), K12=5.2/h, K13=1.2/h, K10=0.18/h, K21=4.0/h, K31=0.31/h, T1/2pi=0.069/h, T1/2alpha=0.87 h, T1/2beta=25 h, CL=1.2 L/h.kg, Vd=44 L/kg, AUC=311 (after 48 h), Vc=6.7 L/kg.
Tissue distribution of the drug: kidney>adrenal gland>liver>lung>spleen>pancreas>heart>testes>brain. The drug protein binding rates were 24+/-4% (plasma), 48+/-5% (liver), 22+/-4% (testes) and 8.0+/-0.6% (brain).

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