Original Articles

Anti-arrhythmic effects of methylflavonolamine hydrochloride

Ba-Jin Han, Er-Feng Zhou, Bao-Song Wan, Yun-Zhao Tang, Jia-Mei Yang, Mei-Hua Xie


Methylflavonolamine hydrochloride (MFA) showed anti-arrhythmic effects on (l) chloroform-induced ventricular fibrillation in mice with therapeutic indices of 4.1 (ip) and 5.3 (iv); (2) chloroformepinephrine or BaCl2 induced arrhythmias in rabbits: (3) aconitine-induced arrhythmias in rats.
The electrophysiological effect of MFA on the hearts of rabbits were studied by suction electrode method in situ. At the therapeutic dose (5 mg/kg iv), APD50, APD90 and FRP were prolonged by 9.0±3.6 ms, 12.9±4.9 ms and 29.8±5.6ms, respectively.

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