Original Articles

Effects of sodium molybdate on action potential and myocardial contraction of guinea pig papillary muscle

Xiao-Bo Zhou, Xiao-Guang Li


The effects of Na2MoO4 on the action potential (AP) and myocardial contraction (MC) of guinea pig papillary muscles were studied by means of intracellular microelectrodes and transducer. The results showed that Na2MoO4 0.5 mmol/L had no effect on action potential and myocardial contraction, but increased effective refractory period (ERP) (p<0.0l); APD50, APD90 and ERP were prolonged at Na2MoO4 5 and l0 mmol/L, but APA and Vmax were not affected; Na2MoO4 5 mmol/L increased myocardial contraction, while 10 mmol/L somewhat reduced the effect of increasing myocardial contraction.

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