Original Article

Antagonistic effects of ascorbic acid on caffeine-induced embrotoxic and teratogenic activities in rats

Suo-di ZHAI, Mu-qun CHEN, Li-ping DONG, Xiu-rong JIA


Caffeine ig 75 mg/kg*7 d in pregnant Wistar rats induced embryo-toxicities and teratogenicities, including early absorption of the feuses, short and curl tails, decreased body weight and length even bone abnormalities, which became more serious under caffeine ig 100 mg/kg. Under the effect of caffeine ig 100 mg/kg+ascorbic acid ig 200 mg/kg or caffeine ig 100 mg/kg+ascorbic acid im 125 mg/kg, all the abnormalities were lessened, similar to that induced by caffeine 75 mg/kg. These results show that ascorbic acid antagonizes the caffeine-induced embryotoxicities and teratogenicities.

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