Spasmolytic effects of isocorydine on the isolated gallbladder and Oddi's sphincter in vitro
The contractions induced by acetylcholine(Ach), histamine(Hist), angiotensin II(Ang II) and K+ on the biliary system of guinea pigs or rabbits were antagonized by d-isocorydine(Isoc) in vitro. The antagonism presented a depression of the maximal response of the dose-response curve for the agonists in a non-competitive manner. The spontaneous activity of the Oddi’s sphincter in vitro was inhibited by both Isoc(>0.1 mM) and verapamil(Ver 1 microM). The initial phasic and the late tonic contraction induced by K+(40 mM)in the isolated Odd’s sphincter of guinea pigs were inhibited by Isoc or Ver. Ver showed mainly an inhibition of the late phase, whereas Isoc showed inhibition of both the initial andlated phases.The ratios of IC50 between the initial and the late phases for Isoc and Ver were 2 and 76, respectively. These results suggest that spasmolytic effects of Isoc on biliary smooth muscles may be due to its Ca+-antagonism and the mode of its action differs from that of Ver.