Original Articles

Effect of praziquantel on nucleic acid synthesis in schistosoma japonicum

Shu-hua Xiao, Cui-ying Wang, Pei-ying Jiao, Yue-gui Yu


Nucleic acid synthesis was measured by the incorporation of [3H]adenosine, [3H]uridine, or [3H]thymidine into nucleic acid of Schistosoma japonicum. When bisexual worms were incubated for 4-8 h at 37 degrees in culture medium containing [3H]adenosine and praziquantel (0.1-10 microg/ml), the incorporation of [3H]adenosine into RNA of the male worms and female worms (10 microg/ml) decreased markedly. No effect of the drug on the incorporation of [3H]adenosine into DNA was observed. After the worms had been exposed to praziquantel 0.1-10 microg/ml, the incorporation of [3H]uridine or [3H]thymidine into RNA or DNA of the schistosomes was not affected, nor were the levels of RNA, DNA and protein of the worms.
Both RNA and protein levels of the worms decreased apparently 1-2 day after praziquantel 100-300 mg/kg were ig to the infected mice. However, when bisexual worms perfused out from the infected mice 4-24 h after praziquantel 100-300 mg/kg were maintained in vitro, no effect of the drug on the incorporation of [3H]adenosine into RNA and DNA was detected. It is suggested that the effect of praziquantel on nucleic acid synthesis plays no important role in its schistosomicidal action

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